Consortium meeting 16 Sep. 2010

Minutes of the combined scientific planning and management meeting held in Bergen on 16 Sep. 2010.


Institution Name
University of Bergen (UoB) Koenraad de Smedt
University of Bergen (UoB) Kitty Anette Amlie Tverrå
University of Bergen (UoB) Annhild Fetveit
University of Bergen (UoB) Victoria Rosén
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (UTU) Detmar Meurers
Tilde Andrejs Vasiļjevs
Tilde Aivars Bērziņš
Tilde Anne-Kathrin Schumann
University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Bolette S Pedersen
University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Hector Martínez
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) Núria Bel
University of Helsinki (UHEL) Krister Lindén
University of Helsinki (UHEL) Måns Huldén
Charles University, Prague (CUNI) Markéta Lopatková
Charles University, Prague (CUNI) Marie Krizková
Charles University, Prague (CUNI) Loganathan Ramasamy
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Gisle Andersen
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Marita Kristiansen
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Sunniva Whittaker
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Bjarte Grønner
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Tove Skaar
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Pedro Patiño García
Max Planck Institute (MPI) Przemek Lenkiewicz
Max Planck Institute (MPI) Hugo García Blanco
Max Planck Institute (MPI) Binyam Gebre Kidan


  1. Overview of appointed researchers and their projects. All researchers present gave a 3 min. presentation of their projects. Researchers are encouraged to have a webpage on the CLARA site with a presentation of themselves and their research.
  2. Outstanding legal matters. Detmar Meurers inquired about the possibility of changing the Consortium Agreement so as to exclude background. Kitty Tverrå responded that changes to the CA are possible but require a new round of suggestions, approvals and signing. It was also clarified that access to background does not affect ownership.
  3. Remaining vacancies. An overview of CLARA recruitment per project is presented (see table attached at the end). Recruitment statistics until September 2010 are presented. Also recruitment and contracting questions related to ESR, ER and VS are discussed. It is clarified that VS need a contract and DoC like ESR/ER. However, since VS normally keep their position at their home institution, they do not get a full employment contract but a stipend (EUR 34450 with experience < 10 years, 51675 with experience > 10 years). No Cat. D money is provided for VS.
  4. Course planning for 2011. The Morphology course is moved from the Fall of 2010 to the Spring of 2011. The training plan webpage is updated accordingly.
  5. Changes in financial guidelines. New financial guidelines have been published. Cat. D is now based on a fixed amount, i.e. no documentation of costs must be presented to claim this contribution, which is dependent only on actual employment of recruited researchers. Cat. E is likewise a fixed amount. Cat. G can be spent by partners (see next point). See the updated presentation of ITN finances.
  6. Proposal for Cat. G. budget. Following clarification from REA that Cat. G should also contribute to partners' participation in overall management of the project, including reporting time and audit costs, we propose a new budget for Cat. G. This is based on 20 h at EUR 30 for each partner and a cost estimate for the coordinator; 20 travels at EUR 700; additional costs for organizing meetings; audit certificates (4 + 9) * EUR 1500, required for each partner claiming part of the grant > EUR 375.000; plus a buffer.
  7. Reporting procedure. A preliminary reporting will be performed after year 1. An updated overview of reporting guidelines is presented.

Attachment: Table of current recruitment status per project.

Project Host Type Pm Start Recruitment date Fellow name
2A, Common LR Infrastructure MPI ESR 36 12 1 Sep 2010 Binyam Gebrekidan
2B, Interoperability Standards MPI ESR 36 12 1 July 2010 Hugo García Blanco
3B, Bilingual Corpora UIB ESR 36 6 (Nov. 2010) appointment ongoing
3C, Semantic Annotation UCPH ESR 36 11 1 Oct 2010 Hector Martínez
3D, Automatic Lexical Acquisition UPF ESR 36 6 1 Oct 2010? Sylvia Necsulescu
4A, Harmonization of Terminological Resources NHH ESR 30 4 1 May 2010 Pedro Patiño García
4A, Harmonization of Terminological Resources TILDE ESR 30 6 16 Aug 2010 Anne-Kathrin Schumann
5A, Multimedia and Multimodality MPI ER 24 1 15 July 2010 Przemysław Lenkiewicz
5B, Empirical Studies of Multimodal Behaviour UCPH ESR 36 11 1 Oct. 2010 Magdalena Lis
6A, ICALL Research UTU ESR 24 11 1 April 2011? announcement closed
6B, Proofing Tools TILDE ESR 21 8 Nov? announcement closed
6C, Translation Tools TILDE ESR 21 12 Nov? announcement closed
6C, Translation Tools CUNI ESR 36 5 2 Aug 2010 Loganathan Ramasamy
7A, Finite State Parsing Methods UHEL ER 24 1 1 Dec 2009 Måns Huldén
7A, Finite State Parsing Methods UHEL ESR 24 4 will be announced in Sep. 2010
7A, Finite State Parsing Methods UTU ESR 24 11 1 Oct. 2010 Jianqiang Ma
7B, Deep Grammar Models UIB ESR 36 6 (Nov. 2010) appointment ongoing
7C, Treebank Annotation CUNI ESR 36 13 1 Oct. 2010? Nathan Green
7C, Treebank Annotation UTU ESR 24 11 1 June 2010 Corina Dima

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